isben's Articles
July 24, 2004 by isben
I don't know why Krumpet has it against me. ok, maybe i know. she shouldn't have been there, and she knew it. she even said the only reson she was there that day was because of Rushdie. And he is so totally pissing me off by falling for her lame ass 'i'm the poor thing girl next door' act.. like serously... there is NO SUCH THING. every single woman, whether she admits it or not, is someone who knows what she wants and is not above using her sexuality, whatever she understands by that (becaus...
July 24, 2004 by isben
Hey people! The mistress with the mostess is starting the intros: her name's DI ISLIN, she loves to party and pub, hanging out with her best friend, dissing pandis and having diva airs Loves to read, though doesn't look it, hates to screw around, but looks it... so here's a little piece of my heaven right here, my virgin attempt at one of these things, so i'm just gonna give it my best shot - read and enjoy people... oh and once i learn how, i'm gonna be posting up some of my pics and of th...